Oysterband - Hal-An-Tow

Take the scorn and wear the horns
It was the crest when you were born
Your father's father wore it
And your father wore it too

Robin Hood and Little John
Have both gone to the fair-o
We shall to the merry green wood
To hunt the buck and hare-o

Hal-an-Tow, jolly rumbelow
We were up long before the day-o
To welcome in the summertime
To welcome in the May-o
For summer is coming in
And winter's gone away

What happened to the Spaniards
That made so great a boast-o?
They shall eat the feathered goose
And we shall eat the roast-o

God bless Aunt Mary Moses
With all her power and might-o
Send us peace in England
Send us peace by day and night-o